The Minerals in Poultry Nutrition
It is recognized, generally, that the most efficient utilization of any ration depends upon the proper balance and quality of the nutrients therein. Minerals are as important, therefore, but no more so, than the other constituents in a properly constructed poultry ration. Although the general functions of minerals in poultry nutrition cannot be divorced from those of other constituents, nevertheless they are very definitely associated with skeletal structure, soft tissues, and maintenance of normal body fluids which influence absorption, secretion, and excretion.Years ago, it was thought that protein, fat, and carbohydrate were the only essential nutrients, but later it was found that the minerals accompanying common feedstuffs were also necessary; in fact, even better growth and egg production could be obtained by supplying additional amounts. Until the beginning of the present century, however, the use of mineral supplements was not widespread. Inasmuch as poultrymen believed that these materials merely . . .